So, this is the Codex, where lots of important and helpful information will be presented as it becomes available. This will mean there will be less infodumping in Boost and Badge descriptions (and stats) once I actually do this. But I'll start on that in a future version.
In the meantime, some FAQ:
Q: Why are my ladders producing 0 sand?
A: Because you have Broken Rung and 0 of a tool (likely LaPetite).
Q: Why is my sand rate 0?
A: Because you're using it all to make glass (check your glass stats)
Q: Why are my glass tools not working?
A: Because your sand rate is 0 (see above).
Q: I have Ceiling Broken and locked a Glass Ceiling, how do I get it back?
A: Wait and it'll be unlocked by the DoRD eventually.
Q: What does DoRD mean?
A: Department of Redundancy Department.
Q: Where did 100 Logicat levels go?
A: You hit infinite Judgement Dip destruction and 101 Logicat levels, so 100 levels were spent to unlock Bacon.
Q: Why didn't you warn me that would happen?
A: ...oops
Q: Why do you use the word 'Dip' strangely And what are all these other strange words?
A: In the Links pane, open the Time Wiki and find the Glossary.
Q: Why is the wiki horribly wrong / out of date?
A: Because it hasn't been fixed/updated. You could change that.
Q: Why is the wiki full of annoying ads?
A: Dunno, I don't control it. Anyhow, I use adblock, when I visit it at all.
Q: Isn't there another dedicated wiki somewhere?
A: I think so, but I haven't seen it myself and don't remember where it is (also I could probably set up a wiki for the project on GitHub but I don't think we need yet another, right?)
Q: Why don't you just tell me what Dip means? And Molpy?
A: Dip means Day and a Molpy (a portmanteau of mole and Compsognathus (a small dinosaur) is a miscellaneous cute animal, possibly associated with grapevines...
Q: Are you actually frequently asked that?
A: No.
Q: Do you know Swedish?
A: No.
Q: I moved and resized some stuff and clicked Save Layouts but when I loaded I found it hadn't saved.
A: That's not a question. What happened is you didn't click Overwrite. But don't worry: you look at the end of the layouts list and you'll find one called "temporary" which should have your unsaved changes.
Q: What's with Math.floor(Math.PI)?
A: It's totally three.
Q: Why can't I hide the Tool Factory production box?
A: Maybe in the next version.
Q: Why can't I deactivate NewPixBot Navigation Code?
A: You're in stats mode. Hide the stats pane and the button will show up (this applies to various other stuff also).