TODO: * fix map ui: scaled tween doesnt fully complete if user manually panned before changing locations * UI: add bgm+sfx on/off buttons, and persist their values * AI: dont buy when price is above median (advanced: find a place to sell before buying) * AI: consider trade stations for buy/sell actions too * fix AI: can get stuck with expensive goods and nowhere to sell-- then what? (cut losses and sell to station?) * UI: when hovering on factory name, mouse cursor = ?, if clicked open detail/info panel * graphics: posterboard cutout figures with dialog * graphics: ship and station images * fix: clean up divs left by modal dialogs closing * gameplay: add travel time between galaxy systems? * idea: inter-cluster worm holes as paid toll gates * idea: factions - show faction zone indicators on map * idea: implement government taxing system (needs Factions code, and Calendar?) - implement corporate tax discounts * improvement: implement name registry to ensure uniqueness (or just add a shit ton more names so collisions are statistically unlikely!) * improvement: give commodity descriptions, show tooltip when hovering? NOTE: crammit -c crammit.yaml 8/16/2014 * ui: click to move to undiscovered adjacent locations (show unknown but adjacent) * audio: sfx added - warp in, warp out, buy, sell * audio: background music * UI: when changing active agent, move location to that agent * AI: only sell at >= value * fix: FTUE step 2 triggered twice * fix: menuCreateVessel - vessel view missing agent name (shows up after refresh) 8/15/2014 * fix: negative cargo qty 8/14/2014 * AI: store value of commodities bought * ui: added buy/sell/trade cursor icons when hovering over factory/station goods 8/11/2014 * THE REMAKING - FTUE first corp, agent and vessel - implement template-random universe generation - link randgen locations with stargates 8/10/2014 * THE REMAKING - freeze control of vessel for active agent, release on switch - hud: agent list - menu create->vessel - refactor: removed agent credits, agents spend corp money instead - random name generation for ships and agents - support for multiple user-owned ships - player hud shows drop-down of user-agent selectable assets * fix: NUKE doesnt remove corporation from HUD 8/9/2014 * THE REMAKING - much refactoring - implemented corporations (player, NPC) - menu create->agent 8/8/2014 * map: hide undiscovered map nodes * track player's known locations * menu: create station -refactored StationModel to use StationType * menu: create -> factory * implemented FormDialog - support for text, strInput, intInput, labels, select 8/7/2014 * menu: create -> destination * menu: create -> location * implemented TextAreaDialog (generic dialog with text area content) - for import/export * menu: import * menu: export * fixed graphic issues with map node scaling * fixed Nuke bug * refactor: implemented PlayerModel in anticipation of 'known universe' feature 8/6/2014 * map: right click adjacent map nodes causes travel to * map: add icons to map nodes based on location contents * map: show connections between map nodes 8/5/2014 * automatic periodic game_save -- basically, persistence * nuke game (has bug, but after refresh works) -- fixed 8/7 8/4/2014 * design Q: how does 2d map interact with 'current location' of ships - shows highlight of current 'active agent' location * ui: placed map view and location view side-by-side * optimize: refactored some main.js code * map: highlighting 'current' location 8/3/2014 * utility: added 'export' to menu, can now get JSON of saved game into clipboard * optimize: make world_seed same format as serialized game, load from serialized world_seed * WIP: started system map (using mapview.html instead of index for experimental work) 8/2/2014 * save/resume world state - 7/31/2014 * optimize: move main.js code into GalaxySim * implemented Service.get("galaxy") instead of window.galaxy * adding toJson functions in preperation of save/resume 7/30/2014 * add 10% factory incentives for inputs with zero Qty * fix: trade prices need to be fixed at CommodityType.getAvgTradeValue() * optimize: convert to dictionary for FactoryType/FactoryModel input/output(+storage) 7/29/2014 * implement TradeDialog to buy/sell from stations 7/28/2014 * implement StationModel (todo: periodic consume) * implement StationView 7/27/2014 * ui refinements to use less space * optimize: have view classes inherit from common base class for getDiv and setTarget * add PlayerHud ui - ui: show player balance * add MenuView - moved pause functionality to menu (removed hack button) * optimize: remove unnecessary calls to jQuery 7/26/2014 * fix: remove cmdy with qty 0 from vesselModel._cargo * fix: int qty values becoming corrupted over time * implement user-controlled agent/vessel * merge SellDialog into PurchaseDialog, only need one class 7/25/2014 * implement UI to buy/sell/move 7/23/2014 * fixed: views not updating correctly when vessels moved location 7/22/2014 * implement agent travel between locations * implement agents to buy/sell - implement commodity-specific reseller AIs * in progress: agent buy/sell logic 7/21/2014 * implement vessel view * implemented world_seed.json to load initial world from * implemented stargates for vessels to travel between locations * implemented UI for switching between locations 7/20/2014 * implemented locations * implemented location view class 7/19/2014 * factory UI animated, simulation pumping factory queues - using hacked code to distribute outputs to other factory inputs 7/18/2014 * commodity ui and commodity and factory models